Everything I am Made of
Encaustic with mixed media and digital film. Your painting is 48x48", framed and ready for hanging. This piece has a fully integrated digital photo frame that is motion sensitive and triggers videos to automatically play when you walk by. The piece requires one outlet to plug in the movie player. The luminosity of encaustic allows for a truly beautiful and translucent surface, while the moving film elements add a sense of nostalgia and personal history. Embedded in the bees wax and damar resin is collage, pigment and pastel.
If you are not satisfied with your art piece, or it is different from the online version I will offer a refund for the purchase price. Return shipping is NOT included.
I offer FREE shipping on all of my artwork to the United States. Foreign rates apply if you live outside the US. Unframed work ships in padded envelopes and encaustic panel paintings ship in packed boxes.
Encaustic paintings surfaces are sensitive to heat and scratching. Keep out of direct sunlight or very hot areas, try not to dent, scratch or peel the wax.
This piece has a digital photo frame that is set to play the videos located on the thumb drive that comes with the piece. If you wanted to replace the thumb drive with your own, you can customize images and videos that are important and relevant to you, or you can keep the images already included that were selected to tell the artist's story.